Dear Umair,
“There is no hope that we’ll ever live in a rational, sensible, well-organized, kind, intelligent society” (John Cleese, The Telegraph)
That is indeed a depressing statement, but I will short follow this statement: yes seeing the situation in the world today and you read his statement, then yes the state of this world is indeed becoming a little bit dangerous.
I said a little bit. I mean from the almost eight billion people who are now living on our beautiful planet, there must be people with some rationale way of thinking. Who will have a kind of vision to see through the manipulations of their demagogues? Who are rising in their strange and dangerous way of creating the politics in their countries?
I will cling to hope. We as human beings have survived bad and said situations and lived through it. Sadly to say that fascism is rising very fast in a growing number of countries. Which are going back to the tribe and nationalism also? I hope, still, that there are people who are willing to keep this beautiful planet livable, sensible, well-organized, kind and intelligent. We are, or should be, the only intelligent species on this Earth.
We have to give our children a chance to live in a world in which they are the heirs of our society. We must give our children hope and keep the future bright for them. We can’t let it go. We are all responsible for this, on this moment the only livable, planet. We are responsible not letting this planet change into an unlivable trash belt, mentally and physically...
We can’t let it go. I do not want to tell my children: look, see around you, we as adults let it go to change in such an unlivable dystopian society. I do not want to explain to my children why we lost our intelligence and just changed into a bunch of animals running into a future abyss.
There will always be Hope, hope that we will use our intelligence and our ratio to overcome these terrible times, but we should start right now. Right on this moment we have to make the choice which will lead us into a better future of a:
Kind and
Intelligent society.
We will have no CHOICE. There is no parallel Planet like Earth is where we can go to if you do not like this Planet!!!
Have a nice day everybody.