Mark Pol
5 min readAug 20, 2022



A day in an Endless Summer

Brilliant blue skies. Endless beaches and the beckoning waves of the sea.

Enchanting coasts. People seeking cooling like ants in an anthill. Life lasts forever. Playing children and smiling parents. Worries dissolve in the air. Mother earth cherishes her offspring. The radiant sun that has heated the city to boiling point. The radiant sun that gives life to the offspring of mother earth. The sun, its rays, soften the tensions and the hustle and bustle, by the sharp shadows which she makes appear on the glowing ground. Nights with languid heat.

The worries for tomorrow disappear in the play of shadow and light. Dreaming in the long grass of the meadow behind our house. The sun that slowly disappears behind the horizon. The warm and soft nights in which fragments of voices are carried by the tones of distant music. The eternal game of day and night and night and day. That has been played for eons between sun and earth. The endless times that passed in between before man appeared.

Sometimes the languid hot day forces you to ruminate. About the current conditions in this world. About the wars, sharp political contradictions. About all the human suffering that takes place on this planet. All the injustice and oppression.

Summer goes on endlessly. A cool drink on a busy terrace. A nice conversation with the neighbor, who thinks that the summer is far too…



Mark Pol

I am an artist:painter. I paint and draw. Its a kind of figurative surrealism.