Man has been dreaming of peace for centuries and centuries. Will peace ever be achieved? Will man be able to live with others in peaceful coexistence? Even as an artist, I do not believe in that.
The human brain is our problem. Unless in the next eons we could evolve into a “new” human species, unhampered by the construction of our current brain. Of course, it is great to keep striving for peace. We must keep trying. As I write this, large parts of our world are ravaged by wars and natural disasters. I wanted my dream to come true one day.
A dream in which there will be eternal peace on this earth. I think then, when I wake up in that dream, there will be no more people living on this earth. The earth will be a great silent nothingness. With only the sounds of the birds and other animals. Animals living in peace with each other, as we humans once wanted and never could.