The Human factor.
Dear Umair,
It sounds tempting and your stories are my favorite, but somewhere in our brains we have a tiny problem.
If you look at the structure of our brains, you will see that may be 99 % of the brain mass is of the same structure as e.g. a crocodile.
The neo-cortex has a thickness of only 2 to 3 mm and, if stretched, an area of 0.18 square meters.
Somebody ones wrote,: if you are riding a motor cycle and you are thinking that you are steering, then look behind you and you will see a huge Neanderthal , twice as big as you are and see that he/she is steering the motorcycle, not you!
A wise man wrote: Man is the measure of all things. I do not know of the right translation, but I think it is close, may be the same the human factor.
In the last decennia we have forgotten our self. We are lost in a technological dessert. We have lost our self. Humans have become a commodity. Everything must be measured in money and profits.
As I wrote before, our brains have made an evolutionary jump, somewhere in time. Maybe, if we have the time for it, it was a meta-jump waiting for the next step in the evolutionary ladder.
May be we are waiting for Godot …. Play of Samuel Beckett, two man waiting by a tree. Just do not know what time it is and they do not where they are. The only thing they have is the tree. Not even knowing when Godot is arriving or will arrive.
I think it’s like the human being, they are lost in time and do not know where they are and waiting for something which will never come. Man is Man his problem.
The only civilization we have is a technology civilization. We are just animals with a neo-cortex and not able to use it properly.
If we will live the next millennium, may be ……?
Mark Pol
Amsterdam, November 17, 2019.